Monthly Archives: October 2017

To Scan or not to Scan that is the question


So through the mail comes one of those usual NHS letters inviting me for a Breast Scan.  I didn’t even query it, just went along to the local Hospital like a good little girl.   When I arrived on the Breast Screening Unit they checked my date or birth and address details and then asked me when my last scan was.  Last year, I responded.   “Oh, why are you here then?”, came the reply.  Thy was easy, because they sent for me!    The radiographer continued: “Was there any reason why you were referred back after only 12 months, it’s usually three years?”.  By this time I had stripped off and was stood half naked behind the screen.  “No!” I assured her.  “Well you don’t have to have this scan then if you don’t want to”.  Seriously, this was a no-brainer.  I don’t have a problem with my boobs being squeezed in the machine, much better then cancer, that was always my view.  So I responded glibly, “Well I’m here now with my tits out, best get on with it!”.  And she did!

Well, that’s the end of that –  or so I thought.  Within the next two weeks I’ll get the all clear and we can put that to one side for another 3 years!  Never imagined I’d get a call back, to the local General Hospital.  This is compete madness I told myself, I’m fine.  But just to confirm my certainty I went upstairs and lay on the bed, there was nothing wrong with me!

Oh shit!!!  a lump in my left boob.  Felt like a large marble from when I was a kid, you know the sort we used to call dobbers!  I lay there and took a deep breath.  “Dave where are you now when I need you!!”   Next to the bed was the book “When life gives you Lemons”, a book I had been reading slowly to help with the grief I was still wrestling with.  I picked it up, opened it and started to cry.  “God, where are you now?”   That was the question I’d asked more in the past 5 months than ever before in my life.   I had felt like he disciples being tossed and thrown around in the boat when Jesus was asleep in their storm.  This storm which he had lead them into as he invited them to get into the boat on that dark and stormy night on Galilee.  Suddenly my storm changed from a really bad thunder storm to a whirlwind or was it a hurricane? and there was nothing to do but sob like a baby for several minutes.   I went back to the lump, tried to assure myself it was nothing, but failed drastically, it was definitely something, something most unwelcome.

Within two weeks I lay on anoter bed, this time at Worcester Royal Hospital as the Doctor took pictures, carefully, slowly, silently.  As he asked me to move onto my side and he began to take even more images from under my arm, I begin to cry as I knew this wasn’t good news.  He confirmed I had stage 2 Breast Cancer and it was also in two of more of my lymph nodes also.  He informed me he had been doing this job for over 20 years and he was certain this was cancer.    He took the Biopsy to confirm the bleeding obvious,  and I was immediately referred to the breast cancer nurse, where  my friend Karen took copious notes of all that was being said.  She said loads, but all I remember her saying now is having big boobs is an advantage at a time like this!  Hallelujah for my 36F’s!

Karen and I want for cream cakes!  Never has a cream cake been so welcome.  Wouldn’t it be great if Breast Cancer could be cured by cream cakes and not Chemo, Radio and Surgery?

So on the 27th September 2017, I was told I have cancer.  I type this a month later and Im sorry to report I still have cancer!  Since then I’ve had scan, blood tests, appointments etc etc.  I’ve been recommended to McMillan Nurses, depended on friends for lifts, had all the family up to see me,  received many good wishes by Card Facebook, text and many many bunches of flowers.  I’ve bogged off to Paris to escape the long waiting with nothing happening (But it’s ok I m confidently assured they are still within the NHS recommended time frames!)….. it’s not really ok if I’m honest!

I’ve never minded waiting, yet suddenly waiting seems dangerous and that scares me.  The Doctor at Worcester who had my breast scan images from a year ago and two weeks ago used the work “aggressive” as the compared the scans that were 12 month apart.  I have spoken to the cancer and told it to calm down,  we don’t need all this crazy unnecessary aggression just now.  I hope it has listened, I really do!

Another thing the Doctor did was express genuine surprise that there had been a cock-up in the system and I was sent for a breast scan after only a year.  He said clearly someone was looking after me.  I hope he’s right.  I know he’s right!   Someone is looking after me and that together we will get through this.  Please Lord, I would like to live.  Id like to see my grandchildren, like to see Esther get married, I’d like to fall in love again, Id like to swim in the Med again, I’d like to succeed at being a Regional Minister (whatever that means). There is so much I’d like to do.  PLEASE!










So I write this in hindsight.. knowing that actually I have to blog about all that’s going on.  2017 so far hasn’t been the best, it’s fair to say.  It should have been. It should have been amazing.

It started with a New Years party at the Rugby Club.  I was on a break from my long term boyfriend yet again.  We had been together several years. but since moving to the west midlands it has been a rocky ride.  So I met someone else, but all the time I couldn’t help comparing him with Dave. (Thats Dave my ex boyfriend and not my ex husband!)  Sorry – all very confusing.  Anyway, New Years eve I got a text from Dave to say he was missing me.    I wont go into detail but the next few weeks saw us back together and things were going really well.

This was the year of my Sabbatical, 3 months off to spend time in London with family as well as go away to Sweden for a few days and to have a period of time in South Africa, looking at a piece of work my friend Jane was doing to encourage black women to courageously take their part in church life and step up to their calling.

Again – I could say so much but there’s no point.  Time in London with the family and seeing both Daves (that’s both my ex husband and boyfriend) was most pleasant.  A chance to catch up with may old friends and also to attend my old church and get involved in Holiday club. (that proved to be a little problematic but that is also irreverent now!).

It was lovely to be close to my boyfriend and to have loads of time together,  We enjoyed good times, food, laughter, fun and again began to talk about the future.  He assured me everything would be different soon – well he was most certainly right about that!

After month in London Dave came back to the midlands with me.  He had been working really long hours and was very tired.  We went to a BBQ with friends who recommended he goes to the Doctors when he gets back into London, he assured us he was just over cooking it.  The thing about being a chef is the shifts are far too long and at 55, as he said he hasn’t got the stamina he had hen he was 30.  That weekend I just let him rest a lot. Let him lie in, took him breakfast in bed, cancelled plans to go out as he wasn’t really up for it.    I was concerned he was so poorly but was delighted he had come back with me as it was difficult leaving the family after a month and coming home to an empty house.

Our weekend together flew past as they always did when he visited.  Soon it was Sunday night and I drove to the train station, talked about our holiday in a few weeks time, when I returned from South Africa, and some more time away together in October to Malta or Greece.  Nothing booked yet,  we can do that when I get back from South Africa.  We hugged and kissed goodbye, and he was gone – again.  I text him usually I love you xx, he responded with the usually I love you two xx.   Several hours later I sent him “I miss you like Crazy!”  He saw that but never replied.

It was five days till I flew out to South Africa.  Dave never text again.  He didn’t return my calls, didn’t even respond to my long erratic voicemail messages. So I concluded he had done it again, gave up on us, just like last year.   I was gutted, really thought things were better now, thought we would be ok.  He had asked me to marry him again, always with the same comment “I don’t know when, but I promise it will happen”.

Anyway I don’t want to get bogged down in all this, sad to say Dave had a heart attack and died on the Birmingham to London v Virgin train on Sunday evening 23 April.  Somewhere between Rugby and Euston.    A journey I made myself only last week, with tears still flowing for the man I loved.  When his heart stopped my heart broke.  My family and his family demonstrated love and grace to me and we were able to say our goodbyes together, for which I am so grateful.

So that’s 2017! – well no, it doesn’t end there.  Six months later I was diagnoses with Breast Cancer and to be honest that’s what this blog is all about.  Loosing Dave simply sets 2017 in context, its not been a good year to say the least!